Encounter Days

Encounter Days

~ connecting more deeply with God ~


How do you most readily experience a sense of God’s presence?

Some people love silence and long for space to simply be. 
Others find silence difficult, almost physically painful.

In our Encounter Days there will always be 
lots of space for quiet for those who value the silence, but 
we also recognise that not everyone processes internally. 

We want to encourage additional ways of seeking a sense of God’s presence which might include discussion, prayer, or walking in a group or with another, 
making or listening to music, making or creating something, reflection using writing or reading. 

Each Encounter Day is led by a guest leader. The first session starts at 10am with tea and coffee available from 9.30am, finishing at 3.30pm.
£27 per person - includes lunch and refreshments.  


see below for a Special Offer.


2024 Encounter Days

‘God gives...’

 Encountering and receiving from the God of abundance.

In John’s Gospel, Jesus says, 

’I have come to give life - life till it overflows.’  (John 10:10)

What an amazing gift, but I wonder… is that the experience of many of us?

Rather than the abundance that Jesus promised, sometimes our own experience is one of scarcity - not enough space, time, energy, enthusiasm, resilience... 

Through our encounter days this year, we will be reflecting on how we have a God who gives… gives all that we need to live for him and experience the abundant life that Jesus offers. So may we encourage you to make space for time away at Foxhill, whether for a day or a few days, to meet with and receive from the God who gives. 

For the loyalty scheme, see below.

God gives Strength: He gives power to the faint...

with Aled Seago   Wednesday 24th July 


For info about our Loyalty and Bursary schemes, call us direct to book.

God gives Peace: the peace of God will guard your hearts...

with Jim Bridgman     Saturday 10th August

As a father to three primary-aged children and four cats, and a priest in a busy rural parish with three churches and two church schools, 'peace' is not something that often describes my daily, weekly or monthly routine! Yet peace is at the centre of the God we follow, the faith we proclaim and the worship we offer, and is often a gift that we pray for, for ourselves, others and our world. On this Encounter Day we will consider how to receive that gift of peace in the midst of such hectic lives.

For info about our Loyalty and Bursary schemes, call us direct to book.

God gives A New Perspective: if you lack wisdom, ask God...

with Stan Tomalin   Tuesday 17th September

For the past eight years, Stan has been associate minister at St.Mary's Cheadle, and before that ministered in Southampton and Eastbourne (he gets about!)
When not playing golf and online chess (both very badly....), he is a husband, father and seeker after God's wisdom. 
For this encounter day, we will be pondering what it looks like to seek God in the dark times and, particularly, seeing what we've got to learn from Elijah's encounter with God as told in 1 Kings chapter 19.

For info about our Loyalty and Bursary schemes, call us direct to book.

God gives Provision: my God will meet all your needs... 

with Andrew Knight   Monday 14th October

I’m a parish priest in an urban estate on the outskirts of Manchester and I delight in seeing people come to a mature, personal faith and a vibrant and fulfilling relationship with Jesus that impacts all areas of our life, Monday to Saturday, as well as Sundays.  In my own faith and discipleship, I find the times I hear God’s voice and direction most clearly is when I take time to step aside for quiet days and retreats.  These are especially enjoyable if they include time spent exploring the countryside, travelling, or settled in a cosy café! It’s been a joy to devise and lead Encounter Days and similar events in the past where I have been constantly surprised how God has met each of us uniquely.

For info about our Loyalty and Bursary schemes, call us direct to book.

God gives Protection: darkness is not dark to you...

with Stefan Collier    Saturday 16th November

Stefan’s journey took in practising astrophysics and nuclear physics before being ordained in 2009. He has served in a variety of parish contexts; city, suburban, and currently semi-rural. His vocation concerns responding to an invitation to stand and live in the darkness, and glimpsing how the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it - how God gives protection. It is this theme which will be explored on this encounter day. 

For info about our Loyalty and Bursary schemes, call us direct to book.

God gives Presence: He will be with you…

(largely silent)

with Gill Morgan   Tuesday 10th December 

'A retired primary teacher with a leaning towards the arts, friends, family and faith are the mainstays of my life. My heart is drawn to contemplative spirituality, my passion to draw others to discover this too, and to experience the inner stillness to be found in silence. For over 12 years now I have opened my home and my garden to host and lead Quiet Garden Days under the banner of the Quiet Garden Movement, more recently becoming a trustee.

My faith has been strengthened during some dark times in my life and this has increased my awareness of God with me at all times. On this Encounter Day (which will be mainly in silence) we will be exploring how God can become more real to each of us, both through ways we are familiar with but also perhaps stepping into something a little more out of our comfort zone.'

For info about our Loyalty and Bursary schemes, call us direct to book.


~ Special Offer ~

If, in one transaction, you book five Encounter Days for 2024, you will only pay for four.

This applies to both individuals or a group booking - only when booked directly through Foxhill and paid by BACS payment, cheque or cash.


E: Foxhill@chester.anglican.org T: 01928 733777

or click here




Upcoming Events

Thursday 1st August
12:00am -
Saturday 10th August
9:30am - 3:30pm -
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